Exposition Western Voodoo

From september 28th to october 18th, gallery Agama present the work of  the famous Gert Chesi.

Gert Chesi is an Austrian filmmaker, photographer and writer. Born in 1940 in Schwaz (Tyrol, Austria), he now lives in Togo. Although he occasionally returns to his hometown, where he founded in 1995 “Haus der Völker”, a museum dedicated to his passion for non-European arts and culture, he sails a lot between africa and asia. He has produced numerous documentary films on the ritual, religious and artistic traditions of these two continents. In 1975, with the publication of “Last Africans”, translated into six languages, he gained international recognition. He has published more than a dozen books and produced just as many documentary films.

This is not exhaustive as this gentleman has produced a quality work for the knowledge of African and Asian cultures.

See www.gertchesi.com and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gert_Chesi

The exhibition Western Voodoo presents the photographic work from Gert Chesi’s latest work “Menschenbilder – Aus anderen welten” (images of people from other worlds). All photos are inspired by the world of Voodoo through the paintings and body decorations that are practiced there. According to Gert Chesi, Western Voodoo mixes its creative European and African inspiration around a form of aesthetic “label”, which shows how much we can learn from African ancestral traditions. In parallel with the work of Gert Chesi and to better illustrate his point, Alain and Guénaël Fassier will present their latest acquisitions in art first. Voodoo fetishes of course, but also archaeological sculptures representing the ancestral cultures of Nigeria, Mali Bambara cultures, Ivory Coast’s great ancestor sculptures, and other surprises … The Western Voodoo exhibition is an inviting exhibition to travel and the discovery of African cultures, not to be missed under any pretext.

Exhibition from tuesday to saturday, opening 11h-12h30 and 15h-19h or by appointment.

Galerie Agama, 8 rue Bouquières 31000 Toulouse, subway and parking Carmes or Esquirol.

Copyright©2025 Guenael Fassier - Réalised by B&C


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